Thursday, July 5, 2007

So, I did the unthinkable.

I just frogged my almost half-done Clementine Shawlette. Why? Well, a few reasons:

1)I was knitting it to wear with my wedding dress. My wedding has now come and gone, ergo no reason for the shawl.
2)It's been at least a month since I touched the thing. Obviously, no motivation for the shawl.

But the real reason?

3)I wanted to use the yarn for my Mystery Stole. I know, I know, baaad Faery. But I'm already almost 20 rows in. I think the idea that I won't know what this shawl is gonna look like until I'm almost done is SO cool. Plus, I love to knit lace. Perfect fit for me, right? I was worried I'd have 'frogger's remorse', but I don't miss that cursed shawl at all. It was SO. BORING. TO. KNIT. I'm better off with this fancy lace pattern. :D

Pictures will be forthcoming of my MS progress, plus the half-finished Viking Socks and Twinkletoes (I have one of each done, and the toe of the second Viking Sock). I'm tired and need to go to bed, so no piccies tonight.

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