Monday, October 15, 2007

We interrupt your regularly scheduled knitting blog with this completely unrelated post

No news on the knitting front today-I think I did 2 rounds on my socks-but some other crafty stuff to share-this time on the more seasonal side of things. I went out with my mom and all 3 sisters today to pick out Hallowe'en costumes (my mom has always made all of our costumes from scratch. This is where I got my love of crafting). Sister 2 is going to be The Corpse Bride, and Sister 3 will be Hannah Montana. I, naturally, was browsing through the pattern books, seeing if there were any Renaissance dress patterns that I *didn't* own, when I came across the best set of costumes ever. I'm hoping to have the time and money to make these for Viking and I.

Hallowe'en: My Pattern

Mine-the one on the right (edit:the more I look at it, the more I like the left one as well. any one else have an opinion?)

Hallowe'en: Viking's Pattern

Viking's-also the one on the right.

And apparently my Fabricland just got in a new shipment of tartan! We've narrowed it down to this one:

Hallowe'en: Tartan 1

Or this one:

Hallowe'en: Tartan 2

But of course, this all depends on us having money. I do have something else to wear-I just have to go dig through our storage unit to find it (all of my costumes got packed away in anticipation of the Iceland move).

One more fun Hallowe'en craft before I go. After we all got back from costume shopping, Sister 2 and I went back out to Michael's, where I bought the yarn for her cap-sleeved shrug, some colouring stuff for Sister 3, and a fun-foam Hallowe'en craft kit, which Sister 2 and I proceeded to put together ASAP. Here's a shot of it-the kit was only $5.99 and it kept us busy for over an hour.

Foam Hallowe'en Castle

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