Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yarn Porn!

I have been waiting and waiting for this package to come - I ordered it almost a month ago - and then yesterday it finally came!

Organ Grinder by Lime and Violet

YARN FROM LIME AND VIOLET! *dies* It's from their Sasquatch Sock Yarn Line (wool/nylon), and it's sooo nice and has a little bit of a halo (although that might be from rubbing the skein against my face and petting it like a kitten).

Organ Grinder by Lime and Violet - Balled

This is what it looks like all balled up and without the flash - the colours are more true in this shot. I can't WAIT to use the yarn - I'm thinking of buying one of Cookie A.'s patterns from The Sweet Sheep - they are sooo intricate and cabley and lacey and I just *have* to knit one. :D

EDIT:Miss Violet commented on my blog! *fangirls, then clears her throat, obviously embarrassed* Hi Miss V!


Elizabeth Metz said...

OMG -- it took THAT LONG to get to you!?

I swear, there's some customs people up your way who are just fondling all our yarn all day long. It takes, like, three DAYS to get to the UK, and three zillion years to get to Canada.


Glad you like it, chickadee. :)

Wenchfaery said...

It's probably Canada Post. We have problems with them ALL the time. They've even stopped leaving delivery notices when they "try" to deliver packages (they don't even knock anymore. If the door's closed, we don't get our stuff). But it is WONDERFUL yarn, Miss Violet! :D