Tuesday, February 26, 2008

...i feel fantastic and i'm still alive...

...and believe me I am still alive....

Please excuse the Portal reference - I thought it was fitting as I haven't updated in almost two weeks. There hasn't been a whole lot of progress on the knitting front - still working on Viking's Claw socks and Elfie's Snapping Turtle skirt - or the crocheting front either (just making the dishcloths for my co-worker). I've only been knitting at work - something that will be remedied tomorrow, as I spend most of the day home alone, and then go to the Niagara Knitters (a ravelry group) meeting at the Fine Grind. I'm on the second-to-last hexagon on the first row of the skirt, and I am slowly approaching the heel on the first sock, so no pictures yet. I'm sorry about the lack of updating lately - really, nothing's been going on.

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